Pineapple juice is one of the rare fruit juices that contains so many different vitamins and minerals. The most abundant by many in pineapple juice is vitamin C, followed by vitamin B6, folate, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin. It contains only 1% of the daily recommended value of vitamin K, so it is considered to be a safe for juice for those who are on blood thinning medications.
Among the many minerals pineapple juice contains, they range from 63% of the daily value of manganese to 9% of the daily value of copper, and smaller amounts of calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, and other nutrients.
1. Anti-Inflammatory Properties
Pineapple is the only major dietary source of bromelain. While it’s found in the greatest concentration within the core of the fruit, it is also found throughout the sweet parts and in the juice. Bromelain has anti-inflammatory properties, making it useful in the treatment of sports injuries and the pain caused by them.
2. Anti-Cancer Properties
Studies show that bromelain has the potential to act as an effective cancer-fighting agent. Specifically, claims suggest that it works in unison with chemotherapy to suppress the growth of cancer cells. It also contains beta-carotene, which can protect against prostate cancer and possibly colon cancer. As far as treatment goes, the American Cancer Society says that further research is needed.
3. Heart Benefits
The vitamin C in pineapple juice may also help to protect against heart disease. A number of studies including one from Finland and another from China shows that higher vitamin C intake causes a decrease in the risk of coronary heart disease. Also, like cancer, heart disease risk is reduced with a high-fiber diet.
4. Cataract Prevention
Vitamin C also plays a crucial role in protecting vision. A recent study showed that higher intake of vitamin C reduces the risk of cataract, which is cloudiness of the lens that can interfere with vision. The authors even suggest that it should be used as the primary preventive.
5. Fertility Perks
Pineapple juice contains several beneficial vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, beta carotene, copper, zinc, and folate. Many of these can help boost fertility in both men and women. While there is anecdotal evidence that pineapple juice may affect sexuality in other interesting ways, there is no scientific evidence to support these theories yet.
6. Asthma Prevention
Pineapples are also a good source of beta carotene, which is converted into active vitamin A during digestion. While the research is still in the early stages, a number of studies indicate that beta carotene may reduce the risk of exercise-induced asthma.
7. Osteoarthritis Treatment
Credited to the anti-inflammatory properties of bromelain, some research suggests that pineapples could be useful in the treatment of osteoarthritis.
The most prominent benefit of drinking pineapple juice on a daily basis for the health of your skin is that this juice is high in Vitamin C. This vitamin has long been considered to be the most effective vitamin for people with sensitive or inflamed skin, or for those with acne. Pineapple juice also contains vitamins A, which has the ability to reduce inflammation and also act as a natural anti-fungal and antibacterial.
Antioxidants are extremely important for people with acne, and pineapple juice has that in abundance. These natural antioxidants can help to lighten and even out skin tone, while helping to prevent bacterial infections. In addition, both Vitamin A in Vitamin C have been shown to help fight some of the signs of aging including fine lines, wrinkles, uneven skin tone, sun damaged, and more. In short, this is the ideal natural fruit juice for those with acne and those who used to have acne.
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